Wednesday, January 18, 2012

OH NO YOU DON'T.......

To the guy that drove up the shoulder, past everyone already waiting, to get to the front of the line in the traffic hold up.........

This isn't can't bully your way in....there are other people that were in the hold up before you and they are waiting patiently, and each of us will make certain that you don't get in front of us!!  We will become the impenetrable wall of metal and rubber which no man shall cross (too dramatic?)

......and by the way......

Thinking that you are TOO important to wait like everyone else, and then driving aggressively past everyone, doesn't make you smarter, doesn't get you there faster, doesn't make you popular, and despite where you sit right now....doesn't even make you only makes you an idiot.....just sayin...


  1. No Doubt! I can totally relate. Asshole drivers. I love when people band against them.

    1. a human wall....with everyone flippin the bird!!
